
Брелок 20х30 мм. Диспрозий. Dy Keyring 20x30 mm. Articul: pt66
600,00 ₽
Брелок 20х40 мм. Диспрозий (Dy) Dy keychain 20x40 mm. Articul: 66577
700,00 ₽
Брелок. Диспрозий. Trinket. Dysprosium. Articul: 6657120520
800,00 ₽
Диспрозий (Dy), 99,5%, 3 гр. – в стеклянной баночке. Dysprosium (Dy), 99.5%, 3 gr. - in a glass jar. Articul: 6652110318
540,00 ₽
Кубик 25х25х25 мм. Диспрозий. Dy acrylic cube 25x25x25 mm. Articul: ac66
1 700,00 ₽
Пуговица 18 мм. Диспрозий. Dy. Chemical button 18 mm. Articul: but66
340,00 ₽

Atomic number     66
Atomic mass     162,50
Density, kg / m? & nbsp ; 8540
melting, ° С       1407
Dysprosium is a rare earth metal with the luster of silver. It is not found in nature in its pure form, but is a part of some minerals, for example, xenotime.m P.E. Lecoq de Boisbaudran discovered dysprosium in 1886 during spectroscopic analysis of holmium, or holmium earth, and then isolated the oxide. In 1906 J. Urbain received pure dysprosium.
