
Акриловый кубик 25 мм. Цирконий (Zr). Zr acrylic cube 25x25x25 mm. Articul: ac40
1 900,00 ₽
Брелок 20х30 мм. Цирконий пластина. Zr plate. Keyring 20x30 mm. Articul: pt401
600,00 ₽
Брелок 20х30 мм. Цирконий. Zr Keyring 20x30 mm. Articul: pt40
600,00 ₽
Брелок 20х40 мм. Цирконий (Zr) Zr keychain 20x40 mm. Articul: 40877
700,00 ₽
Брелок. Цирконий. Trinket. Zirconium. Articul: 4017120420
550,00 ₽
Кулон. Цирконий. Pendant. Zirconium. Articul: 4018120320
940,00 ₽
Пуговица 18 мм. Цирконий. Zr. Chemical button 18 mm. Articul: but40
340,00 ₽
Zirconium cube (Zr), 99.2, 10x10 mm. Articul: 4013140119
1 400,00 ₽
Циркониевый кубик (Zr), 99,6%, 1 дюйм (25,4 мм) Zirconium 99.6 (Zr) 1 inch cube Articul: 1inch40
4 450,00 ₽
Цирконий (Zr), 99,9%, 0,2 гр. – в стеклянной баночке. Zirconium (Zr), 99.9%, 0.1 gr. - in a glass jar. Articul: 4082120419
220,00 ₽

Atomic number       40
Atomic mass         91,22
Density, kg / m?       6490
melting, ° С         1852
Zirconium is silvery white metal. In 1789, the German chemist M.G. Klaproth isolated zirconium oxide as a result of the analysis of the zircon mineral. Powdered zirconium was first obtained in 1824 by I. Berzelius, and plastic - in 1925 by the Dutch scientists A. van Arkel and I. de Boer during the thermal dissociation of zirconium iodides. Due to such important qualities as resistance to corrosion, alkalis, acids, zirconium is widely used in various industries. So, in metallurgy, it is used for alloying steels and improving the quality of alloys. In powder form, it is used in pyrotechnics and the production of ammunition - distance bombs, tracer bullets, flares.
