
Брелок. Церий. Keychain. Cerium.
1 550,00 ₽
Кубик 25х25х25 мм. Церий. Ce acrylic cube 25x25x25 mm. Articul: ac58
2 500,00 ₽
Церий (Ce), 99,9 %, 1 гр. – в ампуле. Cerium (Ce), 99.9%, 1 gr. - in an ampoule. Articul: 5851110518
1 250,00 ₽
Церий (Ce), 99,9%, 0,5 гр. – в ампуле 6х30 мм. Ce, 99.9%, 0.5 gr, shining under Ar. Articul: 6351141219
900,00 ₽
Церий (Ce), 99,9%, 0,5 гр. под аргоном в баночке. Cerium (Ce), 99.9%, 0,5 gr, shining under argon Articul: 5852120719
800,00 ₽
Церий (Ce), 99,9%, 5 гр. – в ампуле. Cerium oxide free (Ce), 99.9%, 5 gr. - in an ampoule. Articul: 5851141219
1 560,00 ₽

Atomic number     58
Atomic mass     140,12
Density, kg / m? & nbsp ; 6770
melting, ° С       795
Cerium is a chemical element from the lanthanide group, a silvery metal. Named after the largest of the minor planets, Ceres, in turn named after the Roman goddess of fertility.
German chemist M.G. Klaproth, who discovered the land of cerium almost simultaneously with his Swedish colleagues B Hisinger and J. Ya. Berzelius, objected to the name "cerium", proposing "cerium". Berzelius, however, defended his name, citing the difficulty of pronouncing the name that Klaproth proposed to the new element.
The main deposits of cerium are located in the USA, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, Brazil, India, Scandinavia. < / div>
