
Акриловый кубик 25 мм. Золото (Au). Acrylic cube. Gold (Au). 25 mm.
1 500,00 ₽
Брелок 20х30 мм. Золото. Au Keyring 20x30 mm. Articul: pt79
600,00 ₽
Брелок 20х40 мм. Золото (Au) Au keychain 20x40 mm. Articul: 79477
700,00 ₽
Брелок золото без рамки Keychain gold no frame
700,00 ₽
Trinket. Gold.
700,00 ₽
Золото (Au), 99,9%, фольга – в стеклянной баночке. Gold (Au), 99.9%, foil - in a glass jar. Articul: 7982130518
330,00 ₽
Игральная кость классическая 10 мм. Au Dice classic 10 mm Au Articul: dc13
500,00 ₽
Игральная кость октаэдр (8 граней). Au Dice octahedron Au Articul: dc8
500,00 ₽
Кулон. Золото. Pendant. Gold. Articul: 7988120320
850,00 ₽
Пуговица 18 мм. Золото. Au. Chemical button 18 mm. Articul: but79
340,00 ₽

Atomic number     79
Atomic mass     196.97
Density, kg / m?   19300
melting, ° С       1063
Gold is   soft yellow metal. Gold was the first metal known to man. Gold items were found in the cultural layers of the Neolithic era (5-4 millennia BC). In the ancient states - Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China. Gold mining, making jewelry and other items from it existed for 3-2 millennia BC. e. Gold is often mentioned in the Bible, the Iliad, the Odyssey and other monuments of ancient literature. Alchemists call Gold "the king of metals" and denote it by the symbol of the Sun; the discovery of ways of converting base metals into Gold was the main goal of alchemy.
