
Брелок 20х30 мм. Цинк. Zn Keyring 20x30 mm. Articul: pt30
600,00 ₽
Брелок 20х40 мм. Цинк (Zn) Zn keychain 20x40 mm. Articul: 30577
700,00 ₽
Брелок. Цинк. Trinket. Zinc. Articul: 3037120420
550,00 ₽
Кубик 25х25х25 мм. Цинк. Zn acrylic cube 25x25x25 mm. Articul: ac30
1 600,00 ₽
Zinc (Zn) cube, 99.3, 10x10 mm. Articul: 30131140119
700,00 ₽
Кубик из цинка (Zn), 99,9%, 1 дюйм (25,4 мм) Zinc 99.99 (Zn) 1 inch cube Articul: 1inch30
2 250,00 ₽
Кубик из цинка зеркальный (Zn), 99,99%, 1 дюйм (25,4 мм). Zinc (Zn) mirror polished 1inch cube
3 500,00 ₽
Кулон. Цинк. Pendant. Zinc. Articul: 3038120320
770,00 ₽
Пуговица 18 мм. Цинк. Zn. Chemical button 18 mm. Articul: but30
340,00 ₽
Цинк (Zn),99,9%, 4 гр. – гранулы. Zinc (Zn), 99.9%, 4 gr. - granules. Articul: 3012110819
305,00 ₽

Atomic number       30
Atomic mass         65,39
Density, kg / m?       7140
melting, ° С         419,5
Zinc is a brittle, bluish-white transition metal. An alloy of zinc and copper - brass - was known to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. It was not possible to isolate pure zinc for a long time. In 1746 A.S. Marggraf developed a method for producing metal by calcining a mixture of its oxide with coal without access to air in clay refractory retorts, followed by condensation of zinc vapor in refrigerators. Zinc smelting began on an industrial scale in the 17th century. & Nbsp;
Pure metallic zinc is used to recover precious metals extracted by underground leaching (gold, silver). In addition, zinc is used to extract silver, gold (and other metals) from crude lead in the form of zinc intermetallic compounds with silver and gold, which are then processed by conventional refining methods. It is used to protect steel from corrosion (galvanizing surfaces that are not subject to mechanical stress, or metallization - for bridges, tanks, metal structures).
